Fixed Income
Each diversified portfolio of bonds is customized to the client’s risk tolerance, income needs, time horizon and tax situation. We actively manage the portfolio in an effort to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns. Again, we continuously review top-down macro factors as interest rates and economic conditions vary. We then diversify bonds across sector, maturity and credit quality to provide a stable level of income, control risk and preserve flexibility.
We select bonds exhibiting the following characteristics:
- Tax efficiency and bond maturity schedule customized to each individual client
- High quality, with at least an investment-grade rating at time of purchase
- Diversified across maturity, credit quality, sector and geography
- Laddered maturities with the flexibility to emphasize bullet or barbell strategies to control interest rate risk
- Emphasis on intermediate maturities, improving credits and yield-advantaged sectors
Worth Knowing
Bonds play an important stabilizing role in portfolio allocations, however fixed income carries its own set of risks. Intermediate bonds historically have provided an estimated 75 percent of the return available from long-term bonds with 40 percent of the risk.